University of Utah SPE Student Chapter's Newsletter | volume 1 / issue 1 (pdf)
University of Utah SPE Student Chapter's Newsletter | volume 1 / issue 2 (pdf)
University of Utah SPE Student Chapter's Newsletter | volume 1 / issue 3 (pdf)
University of Utah SPE Student Chapter's Newsletter | volume 1 / issue 4 (pdf)
The University of Utah SPE Student Chapter
We are a society in charge of promoting energy industry, in particular oil and gas industry among the students and welcome them into the world of petroleum engineers.
We strives to technically enhance our student members while providing networking opportunities for both our students and the personals from the energy industry.Objectives:
To organize social, technical and career events and maximize participation by SPE members. To raise the national and international profile of The University of Utah SPE Student Chapter and its members.
To organize, execute and raise funds for a safe, enjoyable and educational journey towards attaining careers in oil and gas, for SPE members studying different courses of importance to energy industry.
To enhance collaboration between the SPE, The University of Utah and the wider SPE community internationally. -
We are collaborating with oil and gas industry here in the Salt Lake Valley and elsewhere. We invite people and organizations to partner with us in spreading awareness for petroleum among students and others.Sponsors
If you would like to become The University of Utah SPE Student Chapter's sponsor, please get in touch with us via:
email: universityofutah@spemail.orgPartners
The University of Utah SPE Student Chapter,
Department of Chemical Engineering, Collage of Engineering, The University of Utah,
50 S. Central Campus Dr.,
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-9203
email: universityofutah@spemail.orgRead more
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